5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2017

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Happy New Year!

If you’re putting the finishing touches on your digital marketing strategy for 2017, be sure to keep an eye out for these five trends.

5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2017

1. Influencers will be influencin’.

Influencer marketing is a branch of marketing that relies on people who have the power to, well, influence others to buy. You’ve definitely seen it before on places like Instagram, where celebrities like the Kardashians are posing with and endorsing products. Consumers are getting tired of paid ads, and influencer marketing strategies will prove to have a powerful impact on your bottom line.

2. You still have to pay to play.

Social media marketing is reaching a point where brands could drive business to their website using sponsored social media posts alone, without any organic posting whatsoever. Organic posting has its benefits (trust building, loyal customers, customer service, etc.), but the point is, if you have a website and a strategy for paid social media campaigns, you might just have everything you need to be present and grow an audience online.

3. E-mail marketing isn’t going anywhere.

Email marketing isn’t dead–far from it. Well-targeted newsletters are going to be as relevant as ever in 2017. Email marketing is being revered as one of the most critical ways to grow an audience. Not only are they great for the consumer experience, they’re also one of the most effective conversion tools available right now.

4. You’ve got to go mobile.

Everyone’s mobile–you know that. And while web designers work to find the balance between desktop and mobile designs, brands and marketers will need to have a mobile ad strategy in place if they want to succeed in 2017.

5. Video is still a big deal, but now it’s LIVE.

Videos are one of the most effective types of content, and live videos are expected to be even more effective. Facebook made live videos available to everyone back in April of 2016, but 2017 is expected to be the year when live streaming really takes off. Expect it to connect people to each other (and brands to their customers) in entirely new ways, giving everyone real-time glimpses into places and things that they might have otherwise missed.


Need help with your 2017 marketing strategy and implementation? Contact us today!

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