DataStrength - Action Items

NC Alliance

Action Items – March 2024




With swimming pool season fast approaching, we decided to take a look at the specific programs under your aquatics umbrella this month. Our in-depth analysis of search term data reveals a significant discrepancy between the website terminology in use for associations across the state and the actual search preferences of our target audience. Although “Aquatics” has been a central, catch-all term for the YMCA, it captures significantly less search volume compared to keywords like “Swim” and “Swimming.”

(Google Search Console – Sample Association)

The screenshot above from Google Search Console for a large association in North Carolina illustrates this gap vividly.

“Aquatics” related searches on Google achieve much higher average rankings (24.7) compared with an much worse average ranking for “Swim” related searches at 39.4, which equates to the 4th or 5th page of Google!

While the better “Aquatics” rankings on Google are attributable to previous optimization efforts, or simply how these pages have always has been named, the “Aquatics” pages clearly fall far short in attracting search interest compared to “Swim” related searches.

In the instance of this association’s organic data, over the last 12 months “Swim” related searches received nearly 300K more impressions on Google and over 7K more click throughs to the website.

An analysis of nearly all associations in the state demonstrated this same phenomenon across the system. This discrepancy underscores the need to realign our content strategy with the actual search behavior of potential YMCA members and program participants.

(DataStrength® Dashboard>>Google Ads – Grants)

(DataStrength® Dashboard>>Google Ads – Grants)

Further evidence comes from the screenshot of search terms for your Google Ad Grants campaigns, showing that “Swim” related searches not only lead to a higher number of impressions and click-throughs, but also significantly contribute to increased purchases (and thereby revenue) for the associations. Although this is a much smaller sample size than the organic data from Google Search Console, it still underscores the market’s searching and purchasing behavior and need for a change.


In response to these insights, we propose a series of strategic actions to align our website content and structure with the demonstrated preferences of our audience. This adjustment aims not only to improve our search engine performance but also to enhance user experience and program participation rates.

  1. Redefining Page Titles: Our recommendation is to begin by changing name of your high-level pages from “Aquatics” to “Swimming.” This update should include main navigation items, headings, and relevant content areas.
  2. Content Optimization: Revise supplemental website content to more prominently feature keywords like “Swim” and “Swimming” in addition to lower priority terms like “Aquatics” as previously illustrated. Ensure these terms are naturally integrated within discussions on pool facilities, pool activities, swim lessons, water aerobics, etc.
  3. Enhanced SEO Measures: In line with the user-facing content updates, your team should also update search engine optimization-related markup such as title tags and meta descriptions for all affected pages.
  4. Performance Monitoring: Closely monitor the impact of these changes on website traffic, search engine rankings, and program enrollment rates using your DataStrength® Dashboard as well as your own analytics tools. Be prepared to iterate and refine strategies based on this feedback.

We recognize that shifting from ‘Aquatics’ to ‘Swim’ represents a significant philosophical change in how the associations present your programs.

However, based on compelling data insights, we believe this adjustment is essential for aligning with your audience’s preferences and driving the YMCA’s mission forward. Searches in your association’s area for “Swim” and “Swimming” are about to ramp up! Will you be ready?