Blogged Down: Tips to Making Your Content Shareable

We’ve all been there. Panning for information scraps, just to produce content for either your personal or professional blog for social media. But as the “algorithms in the sky” continue to place more and more relevance on social signals, there is no running away from that constantly reiterated phrase “Content Is King.”

We get it, thanks.

Luckily, though, the driver of “good content” has shifted from using the same keyword over and over and over and over and over (and over and over), to the content’s share-ability. This means we are now free to post the “cool” stuff we find when creeping the interwebs.

What should your content creations include?

  • Photos – People are visual, and so is Google. It’s important to title your photos and tag them appropriately, so be sure you’re using the right practices when optimizing your photos for SEO.
  • Videos – Videos are addictive. Ever get stuck watching the thread of “Babies Laughing” on YouTube? Point and case. Just like the photos, remember to put thorough descriptions and accurate titles. Don’t worry so much about keywords; focus on describing what the video is about and what people will gain from watching. In the age of smartphones, Instagram and Vine, making a quick video is incredibly simple. I mean, if Mike can do it, so can you…

  • Memes – Seriously, be funny; people respond to humor. When you post something you’ve found to share with friends, is your caption “OMG, this is HILARIOUS, and SOOOO TRUE!” or “OMG, this is incredibly informative and has really helped me further my knowledge for (whatever)”. I think you know where I’m going with this.

blog infographic


  • Infographics – According to a study by a Perdue University Calumet student, approximately 65% amount the population are visual learners (statistics backed by “the Googs,” meaning it must be true). If you’re trying to explain a complex process, or just spice up repetitive content, try to make it visual.

blog infographic

  • Something that is simply downright cool – You just found a video of memes that collages into an infographic? SHARE IMMEDIATELY.

How to make people love your blog

Happy sharing! And remember, if you’re not interested in your content, chances are, you’re not alone.

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